Thursday, October 31, 2019

Commercial Law Coursework (question is given on order instruction)

Commercial Law (question is given on order instruction) - Coursework Example f title clause which is the most fundamental one whereby the seller reserves tile to the goods that are delivered to the possession of the buyer as held in Romalpa case. This case combined both retention of title clause as well as bailment relationship between parties. In Clough Mills Ltd v Martin 2 ,there is no problem in this type of clause unless it seeks to retain equitable or beneficial ownership. In Re Bond Worth 3 , the court held that the title had already passed to buyer since it was not possible to retain equitable title although the buyer later granted back to the seller equitable charges which however was held void for want of registration. It shows that simple RoT clause is not suitable where goods sold are to be resold or manufactured into new ones. (2) The second category of clause is â€Å"all moneys clause† as an alternative to serve the purpose of retention of title until all debts of the buyer are paid to the seller rather than until payment of the purchase price as was affirmed in Armour v Thyssen 4 (3) Third category is â€Å"products clause† that aims at retaining or rather vesting title in the products made out of the goods originally supplied. But difficulty with this clause is that it serves to create as security for the goods originally purchased but becomes ineffective in the absence of registration. (4) Fourth category is â€Å"proceeds â€Å"or â€Å"tracing clause† that aims at acquiring proprietary interest in the proceeds of further sales of the buyer. This is again an ineffective clause as held in Romlpa case. Since the proceeds clause purports to create a fiduciary relationship between the parties, it requires to be registered and therefore courts have held them as registrable and as void for not having been registered. However, Romalpa case became a milestone on the law of retention of title as it held a conditional sale agreement valid even in the conditions of sold goods having been consumed or resold and the further appeal also upheld

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Profession of Arms Essay Example for Free

Profession of Arms Essay Characterizing the Army as a profession is a widely debated issue. Some attest that the military employs a small cadre of professionals, yet this does not qualify the entire vocation as a profession. Others are not so kind and paint a picture of mindless robots simply following orders. The debate rages because it is fundamentally difficult to find an absolute definition for a profession. This troublesome task is further exasperated because the trust of the public ultimately certifies a profession. Nevertheless, the principle characteristic that remains constant to all professions is that they possess a guiding ethic that controls the effective application of their expertise. 1 The Army constitutes a profession because it possesses an ethical framework that is intrinsically present within the institution. As it relates to a professional ethic, all professions possess a code that governs the moral, ethical and legal activities of their members. For example, The American Medical Associations Code of Medical Ethics holds to the Oath of Hippocrates.2 This oath is Western civilization’s expression of the ideal conduct of a physician.3 Lawyers also take an oath of office that anchors them to the ethical practice of their craft. This code of ethics provides parameters for lawyers on how they should conduct their affairs and matters ranging from client confidentiality to conflict of interest.4 Similarly, all members of the United States Army swear or affirm an oath upon initial entry. The Oath of Enlistment or the Oath of Office marks the beginning of each Soldier’s military service and their commitment to a higher ethic. This oath is the bedrock of the Soldier’s moral and legal principles. The Army Values, the Soldier’s Creed and the Warrior Ethos exemplify the pinnacle of the Army’s organizational ethic. Some might argue that many organizations have a similar ethic, yet they are not a professio n. Why are athletic teams that incorporate and enforce team rules, not considered professions? Another issue concerning the Army professions ethical barometer stems from comments made by senior Army officials like General Maxwell Taylor, the fifth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to him, as long as a man performed his duty he  was fine. â€Å"For [GEN] Taylor, a good [S]oldier, even a good [O]fficer, could be a bad man.†5 What these dissentions fail to consider is that the Army, or any profession, does not singularly apply its ethic to the daily living of its members. Concerning the members of an athletic organization, it must be understood that one does not ethically hit, pass or throw a ball. Athletes do not apply ethical guidelines in the performances of their sports. Conversely, GEN Taylor fails to realize how private character affects the ability to command troops. One cannot compartmentalize the ethic of professionals into private and public sectors. Professionals apply their ethic to the application of their craft on behalf of the society they s erve. 6 Soldiers, like all members within a profession, must exercise their ethic in the execution of their work, not just in their private lives. Although, a universal criterion to qualify a particular vocation as a profession is difficult to quantify, the possession of a guiding ethic is common to all professional definitions. The Army is a profession because throughout its ranks it has continued to operate within the ethical framework it has set forth for itself. The Army, as a profession, demonstrates not only that it possesses ethical cannon, but is committed to operating by it. The Army Values, the Soldier’s Creed and the Warrior Ethos are the natural outpouring of these ethical cannon. Regardless of these facts, it remains unique to a profession that they cannot simply declare themselves a profession.7 The public reserves the right to determine so. Americans will only continue to regard the Army as a profession based on our effective and ethical application of landpower.8 Des pite many ethical failings, the American people recognize that the Army possesses the courage to hold its members ethically accountable and therefore legitimize itself as a profession of arms. Bibliography,. NOVA | The Hippocratic Oath Today. Last modified 2014. Accessed September 12, 2014. Robinson, Paul. Ethics Training And Development In The Military. Ebook. 1st ed., 2007. Accessed September 11, 2014. Training and Doctrine Command, â€Å"An Army White Paper: The Profession of Arms,† 8 December 2010, 2. U.S. Department of the Army. The Army Profession. Army Doctrine and Training Publications 1. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Army, June 13, 2013. Accessed September 11, 2014.,. Code Of Ethics Examples. Last modified 2014. Accessed September 11, 2014.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Forms And Modern Manifestations Of Racism Social Work Essay

Forms And Modern Manifestations Of Racism Social Work Essay Racism embodies the ideology or practice via demonstrated power of perceiving the dominance of one group over others by on the grounds of color, race, ethnicity, or cultural heritage, whereby ethnic minorities might be perceived as being biologically (intrinsically) inferior and, thus, practices detailing their domination and exploitation are justified. In many places across the world, racism is manifested at individual, group, or institutional level. Individual racism comprising of overt acts perpetuated by individuals that injure another or their property; institutional racism, which details processes that, deliberately, or not, yield to the prolonged exclusion of a subordinate group and activities and practices that are fashioned to safeguard the advantages of the superior group and/or sustain or broaden the uneven position of a subordinate group. Racism has over the years been institutionalized and sustained via educational, economic, religious, political, social, and cultural po licies and activities. Racism is functional in that it is employed to sustain structural inequalities within the society that are skewed against individuals of color or minority groups. Systematic discrimination against certain members of visibly identifiable racial and ethnic groups has continued to pervade most aspects of peoples lives inclusive of education, politics, economics, religion, social relationships, housing, and employment. Sources and causes of racism and deeply embedded throughout major aspects of many societies. The sources and causes of racism can be delineated as colonialism whereby the intrinsically racist process of colonialisation availed the basis and continued presence of systematic racism within most societies. Other causes of racism include pervasive ignorance, fear and lack of appreciation of cultural diversity, power and privilege. One of the outstanding impacts of racism in disadvantaging the minorities details the invisibility of the achievement of minorities over the centuries. Since capitalist societies mainly recognize achievements that can be translated into monetary terms, the portrayal of minority groups as criminals or poverty stricken serves to paint them as burdens of history. As a result, racism leads to entrenching of disadvantaged position of ethnic minorities. Historically, racism has been employed to validate the conquering of ethnic minorities to obtain key resources such as land, strategic military outposts, or forced cheap labour. In most societies diverse racial and ethnic groups possess unequal access to power, prestige, presumed worth, and resources whereby individuals possessing superior power, majority group, develop a system of inequality by controlling the less-powerful groups. The resultant system of inequality is then sustained and perpetuated via social forces. The impact of racism within the society are widely manifested in poor health and health services, low wages, inadequate access to mental health services, substandard housing, high incidences of school dropouts, high unemployment and under-employment, and reduced access t higher education opportunities, as well as other institution maladies. It is ironical that the lack of jobs, housing, or other resources has led to minority scapegoating whereby ethnic minorities are increasingly becoming a scapegoat for prevalent social problems within the society. Forms and modern manifestations of racism In equality in access to critical resources within the society such as health across ethnic groups may not be necessarily reducible to socioeconomic arrangement. Indeed, the relative deprivation encountered by ethnic minorities within the society is highly likely to involve more than mere material disadvantage as ethnic minorities face significant alienation and racial harassment. Research indicates that racial harassment and perceptions of prejudice possess significant impact in disadvantaging ethnic minorities within the society. Political sphere In the contemporary society, there is an increase and support gained by political parties and entities that that openly express racist, bigoted, and xenophobic views. This has placed ethnic minorities, who are marginally represented, at a disadvantage mainly through exclusion policies. Minorities are also underrepresented in decision-making and administrative positions and the instituted affirmative programs have only yielded conflict and polarity among the employees. Employment, Racism has been widely reported in the arena of employment, which leads to economic depression for members of the oppressed racial and ethnic groups. The experience of majority of ethnic minority within the job market has not been always pleasant or positive with some individuals from minority groups and recent immigrants earning relatively lower pay than their white counterparts despite being sometimes well qualified and highly educated. In some cases, racial discrimination is reported within the workplace centring on an individuals appearance, denial of career advancement opportunities, and ascription of cultural stereotypes to individuals. There is a continued absence of employment opportunities for ethnic minorities, although the general agreement cited mainly details lack of skills on the part of the ethnic minorities. Nevertheless, in most cases structural barriers hamper access to the labour market, plus other economic opportunities. Similarly, the unemployment rate for adolescents from ethnic minorities is in many instances disproportionately distributed with higher percentages reported among people from ethnic minorities compared to their white counterparts. Education Individuals from minority groups often have lower education attainment. The persistent low levels of educational and occupational outcomes attained by ethnic minorities can be cited, in part, as resulting from structural discrimination within the education sector. This can be regarded as systemic racism and the reluctance education authorities and the government to introduce various cultural models of learning and teaching within the curricula, which in turn leads to a disproportionate access of education. The education system in some societies systematically denies similar access and prospect to children from ethnic minorities, especially where the minorities are poor. Accommodation Some minority groups encounter challenges in gaining accommodation whereby minorities (people of different race or color) are expected to reside in separate districts. This represents a microcosm mirroring all the major facets at all levels of society. Ethnic minorities are often denied accommodation based on race manifested in numerous cases where individuals from the ethnic minorities are informed of availability of accommodation, but later informed of non-availability after their race or ethnic background became known. Similarly, individuals from ethnic minorities are sometimes issued with inadequate and inappropriate public housing stock. In many instances, ethnic minorities have minimal choice as to places that they reside and often end up paying higher rent for less adequate housing. It is documented that mortgage and lending institutions within the U.S. have on several occasions perpetuated the illegal practice of redlining mortgages in minority neighborhoods. Studies in this area have unearthed consistent discrimination against ethnic minorities by financial institutions, real estate agencies, and landlords. Service provision Individuals from ethnic minorities often face discrimination in the day-to-day provision of goods and services manifested by the lack of services availed by majority of Councils. Social service mainly masks symptoms of larger problems such as racism, illiteracy, unemployment, and poverty. The need for social service stem from economic policies and practices and in many cases, the society puts the blame on minority groups and constantly adjust the individuals to suit the existing societal conditions. Criminal justice The pervasive disproportionate high rates of incarceration of individuals from ethnic minorities are frequently cited as mirroring the systemic discrimination within the society. Individuals from ethnic minorities often, especially males, often complain of over-policing. There are numerous claims of individuals from ethnic minorities being searched by security personnel devoid of reasonable justification. The ethnic descriptors employed by the police, politicians, and the media yields criminalization of ethnic minorities. As a result, Ethnic minorities sometimes are unwilling to report incidences of racist crime to law enforcement authorities in the belief that their report will not be acted upon. Minority ethnic groups often possess disproportionately high incidences of criminal offending and victimization. This is largely driven by factors such as persistent racial inequality and concentrated poverty that culminate into frustration, which, in turn, heightens delinquency and possible aggression. Ethnic minorities who are racially segregated and who manifest high rates of poverty, family disruption, social isolation, and unemployment experience high levels of crime and violence. High concentrations of poverty and high levels of racial segregation have interacted to create social conditions that disadvantage ethnic minorities. Healthcare The core factor influencing health inequality within the UK centres on the social class. A significant section of ethnic minorities are frequently located within the lowest social classes, which renders them vulnerable to diseases of poverty and deprivation. Healthcare systems in societies where racism is rife do not meet the needs of people of ethnic minorities whereby healthcare costs continue to increase while the quality and accessibility of services decrease. Moreover, too many health care facilities tend to be established in places that are inaccessible to low-income urban neighborhoods where most ethnic minorities reside. Public welfare The welfare system has in instances been exploited to keep wages low and sustain a pool of people available undertake menial, unskilled jobs. Public welfare services in most instances fail to include services such as educational, child care, family planning, job training, or unemployment insurance services that will contribute to the empowerment of individuals to gain from the economic system. The disregard for individual rights and human dignity, incoherent policies, and contravention of regulations has frequently typified the administration and delivery of public assistance, which, in turn, places minority groups who apply for assistance at a disadvantage. Conclusion Racism significantly restrains and minimizes the contributions that ethnic minorities deliver in any society. Racism is pervasive within majority of societies and continues to be silent code that methodically constrains the opportunities for most minority groups. The consequent discrimination and social exclusion of ethnic minorities can yield to a disadvantaged socioeconomic position and poor health of ethnic minorities within the society. Similarly, racism may disadvantage ethnic minorities as a result of the psychological processes that might stem from the direct experience of racism, or perceptions regarding living in a racist society. It is apparent that members of racial and ethnic dominated groups persist to struggle for equal access and opportunity, especially during moments of widespread, unemployment, and inflation.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Premature Infancy Essay -- Babies Birth Early Premature Essays

Premature Infancy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Premature babies, otherwise known as preterm babies, or preemies, are babies that are born earlier than the full-term of thirty-eight to forty-two weeks of pregnancy. These babies are generally born between the twentieth and thirty-eighth week. Almost 250,000 babies, nearly seven percent of newborns, are premature(Golant 4). Prematurity, even with all the advances in technology, is still a major cause of fetal and neonatal death. Actually, around seventy- five percent of perinatal deaths are due to a number of problems associated with prematurity(Freeman 232). Premature babies are very weak and defenseless, and need to be hospitalized. One reason for this is that a baby may become startled into shock by a loud sound or even bright light. This occurs because many babies have fully-developed senses and underdeveloped organs, which may become a problem, since the brain may not be developed well enough to be able to distinguish these different senses, which causes the baby to panic and lose control of its actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main underdeveloped parts of a premature baby are its organs, chiefly the lungs and the brain. The lungs are developed in the last few weeks of pregnancy, and if the child is born before the thirty sixth week, he/she may require some special attention. Usually, the child is monitored closely for the first few weeks of its life, in order to make sure there is no problems with the breathing or any other function of its body. The premature baby will probably need supplemental oxygen to help it through the early stages, but rarely will it need an actual respirator or other life-supporting device on a full-time twenty four hour basis. In fact, giving the baby too much oxygen may complicate problems, such as damages to the eyes. This is caused by a over- abundance of oxygen in the blood stream, which in turn causes the blood vessels of the eye to expand, damaging the eye. This problem is one of the main concerns when bearing a pre-term baby versus a full-term baby.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another difference, probably the most noticeable one, is the size and weight of the baby. A preemie will look thin and helpless, and will also have transparent skin. Blood vessels, veins and bones are sometimes visible through the skin of these babies. This is because the skin of a premature baby is very fragile and tend... ... eight to forty two weeks, and must get rid of the children from the uterus in order to return the body to normal and prevent any injuries from occurring inside the mother's womb.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many advances are occurring everyday which enable mothers to feel safer with the care of premature babies. New drugs are being developed and new methods are being tested to ensure the security of a preemie, enabling the rate of deaths and the rate of premature babies born to both be lowered. As recently as 1986, premature babies had a much lower chance of survival, and with the help of experts, this factor has been greatly reduced. Hopefully, by the time our generation or our children's generation begins to think about bearing children, there will not be much of a risk of having a premature baby. Works Cited Freeman, Roger, and Pescar, Susan. "Safe Delivery: Protecting Your Baby During High-Risk Pregnancy. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1982. Golant, Susan and Ludington, Susan. Kangaroo Care The Best You Can Do To Help Your Preterm Infant. New York: Bantam Books, 1993. Griesemer, Bernard and Pfister, Fred. The Littlest Baby. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice- Hall Inc., 1983.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

international business environment Legal considerations Essay

The legal aspects are important for the business choice. Laws are different in every country. Laws would regulate business practice, define the manner and set down the rights and obligations. This made business have to run within the border set by law and definitely affects the efficiency and profitability when running business in that country. The type of legal system. The legal system in Spain and Korea is based on civil law, while court precedents are not granted official status as law. The Spanish legal system is based on comprehensive legal codes and laws rooted in Roman law, as opposed to common law, which is based on precedent court rulings. Because Japan occupied Korea from 1910 to 1945, the Korean legal system resembles the Japanese system. After the occupation however, there were attempts to adopt many aspects of the American legal system. It must be remembered that the first civilian government commenced only in 1992, and thereafter, increasingly more democratic reforms have taken place.1 Both countries use contracts and they are important for doing business in both countries. Neither Korea or Spain has advantage to the type of legal system. The protection of property right The definition of property right: In economics, property usually refers to ownership (rights to the proceeds of output generated) and control over the use of the means of production. They may be owned privately, by the state, by those who use it, or held in common by society.2 The world property right index 2012 shows the differences between the countries and the country’s world ranking. South Korea and Spain are both in the top 40 of the index. Spain ended this year on the 35th place and South Korea on the 40th place. The overall score off all the points together we can say that Spain compared with Korea is better in protection of property rights. In the figure on the next page we compare South Korea with Spain. The higher the score the better protection of property right. Property right is important for running a business because the better protect the better is the stability of the company. Overall score South Korea vs. Spain in the international world index 2012 The protection of intellectual property Intellectual property is a juridical concept which refers to creations of the mind for which exclusive rights are recognized. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property rights include copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and in some jurisdictions trade secrets. 4 South Korea has an government organization called KIPO. This is the governmental authority in charge of intellectual property in Korea. The mission of KIPO is to help Korea become an advanced country by providing legal and institutional administration for the creation and utilization of highly creative, value-added intellectual property and by promoting technological innovation and industrial development. In Spain the main law regulating intellectual property protection is the 1996 Int ellectual Property Law. With regard to industrial property, no single law covers all aspects. Instead, this is regulated by a package of different laws, including the Patent Law, trade mark law and the law on the legal protection of industrial designs5 In the international property right index, South Korea and Spain score exactly the same and ends on the 27th place. There are 130 countries in the index so the both are trustful countries. Corruption A country where corruption is low is a really important factor to choose for a country. Corruption costs a lot of money and affects the company negative. Korea has an independent commission against Corruption. The Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption is an independent commission that reports to the President in its fight against corruption and the consequent promotion of the clean administration of South Korea. In a coordinated  effort with other monitoring agencies, also known proverbially as watchdogs, the KICAC is involved in producing policies and orchestrating preventive activities.6 Spain has different organisations to fight against corruption. The Special Attorney General’s Office for the Repression of Economic Offences related with Corruption(ACPO) is the biggest and well known organisation in Spain. 7 According to the Corruption perception index Spain scores better than South Korea. The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries/territories based on how corrupt a country’s public sector is perceived to be. It is a composite index, drawing on corruption-related data from expert and business surveys carried out by a variety of independent and reputable institutions. The difference between the two countries is not that big but Spain would be a saver option. Labour law Spain and South Korea have both a minimum wage8. The minimum wage in Korea is lower than in Spain which is positive for the production costs. The maximum and average working hours in Spain are also lower than in South Korea. The maximum working hours in Spain are 40 hours a week and in South Korea 48. This is positive for the production because you can have longer days and the costs are lower as well. Forced labor and child labor are prohibited in both countries. In Korea children under the age of 18 may work under certain conditions. In spain the minimum age is 16. To do so, in Korea they require a special employment certificate from the Labor Ministry, which is rarely issued because education is compulsory until the age of 14. Children under the age of 18 who wish to work require written approval from their parents or guardians. Environmental law South Korea is connected with the AECEN. This is the Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network and there is an agreement between 16 Asian countries dedicated to improving cooperation with environmental laws in Asia. The mission of the Ministry of Environment in South Korea is to protect the national territory from threats of environmental pollution and  to improve the quality of life for the public. This includes ensuring the people of South Korea can enjoy the natural environment, clean water and clear skies. Furthermore, the Ministry aims to contribute to the global efforts to protect the Earth. In February 2008, the Korea Meteorological Administration became an affiliate of the Ministry of Environment to facilitate countermeasures against climate change In Spain the central government represents Spain in the European Union and transposes European legislation into Spanish law. It is responsible for adopting national legislation on the basic and common aspects of the environment. Both countries take the environment more than serious because it can effect business and people. The better and stricter the environmental law in the country the better and more effective you can produce your products. Nowadays the mission of most companies is to be green and fight against global warming. The regulations in Europe / Spain are more strict than in Asia what can be a reason to choose for Spain. The investment in expensive machinery and products to produce is maybe higher at the start but with better machinery companies can produce more cleaner and more effective. References

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Trip to America Essay

The plane was taking off. Gravity pulled me lean on the back of the seat. Seeing the trees, roads, cars and buildings became more and more blurry in my sight, I felt my brain was blank. â€Å"Hey, I’m really going to leave tomorrow†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I called my best friend the night before I left. â€Å"Don’t forget to swim across the Pacific Ocean to visit me. † She said after the long silence. Yes, for me at that time, America was truly just Hollywood and Disneyland on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. But soon enough, I would find out the real America by myself. Before I knew, I was already breathing the air of San Francisco, my first stop. The Hip-Hop music coming from the radio was really loud, and people were trotting. I could even feel the fast beat of that city in the car. Something was not in that rush though — the pigeons. They were taking a walk leisurely on the street, did not afraid of people, as though if the hurry did not belong to them at all. That scene was never to be seen in my country. When the last piece of furniture was moved into my apartment, my dad signed: â€Å"we have a home in America now. † â€Å"chicago il. † In the first summer, I used to touch the unacquainted address on the envelope every time we got letters, practiced to recite telephone number and close my eyes to feel the wind. So my new life just had begun unconsciously. Almost nothing fitted what I imagined about the High School. Because it was a lot better than what I supposed. I thought I would be lonely, no one would talk to me, but actually at the end of the first of school, I already had known someone who I could consider as friend. Things were indeed not easy though. I held the map of the school building, and finally found my way to classroom after asking three people for direction. Teachers were nothing like the strict teacher in China, they were patient and funny. They were willing to be students’ friends. I used to say, â€Å"Sorry, my English is very bad. at the beginning of the school year every time when I finished talking with someone. Once I was sitting outside of school gate on the stairs and talking to a girl, when I said my formal conclusion sentence, she said â€Å"Oh no, your English is very good! † and gave me a shinny smile. In my memory, the sky of that afternoon was as limpid as a lake with glittering sunshine†¦ Honestly, I did not understand or feel much every morning when we put our right hand on the left chest and say the oath towards the flag. Until one day the school showed the commemoration of 9. 11 on the TV, I saw many teacher cried. I suddenly realized that America is their home, was just like someone attacked their home and hurt their sister or brother. The oath to the Stars and Stripes is not just about a verb, a pose; it’s about the feeling of home. Most sunny days of chicago are mild. I will sit in front of the desk and look up to those cotton-candy-like clouds through the window. Or I will always take a walk in the dusk on some clean and quiet bypath, the tip of the church, which is tinged by the orange afterglow and the tall Chinars along the path, which sings softly in the wind, always make me think I have crashed in to a fairyland. I know that I felt and still feel the love when I was singing the national anthem of my country, China. And America is where I live and study now. It is my second home. I am getting the excellent education here, I have met lovely and patriotic people here, and I have seen the charming scene here. I am experiencing a totally different lifestyle here. Close my eyes, I still can see the tears on my grandparents’ face in the airport; I can still smell the thick Natee on every street of San Francisco; I can still remember once there was a girl who was too nervous to decide whether to wear a pink or white T-shirt on the first day of school. After a year and a half living in America, I’m still that happy little girl, except when I think about America, it is not more far away across the Pacific Ocean, it is where my new life is, it is my home. And another thing is that I can be the person to show others the direction to the classroom now.